
Norman Crime Stoppers is run by a Board of Directors. If you’d like to contact us:  Email

The Norman Crime Stoppers program provides a safe, anonymous way for individuals to report criminal activity;  it is a mutual partnership between citizens, law enforcement, and the criminal justice department.  By working together, we can reduce crime and enhance the quality and safety of Norman.

Norman Crime Stoppers, Inc. is a 501 3(c) non-profit organization so any donation is tax deductible. Your support would help pay for our website, P3 mobile app and the reporting platforms that keep us connected throughout Cleveland County and beyond, collecting tips anonymously via phone, website or through the app. Want to support Norman CrimeStoppers? Donate through our PayPal account!

Thank you to our faithful donors for partnering with us!

Mail donations to:

Norman Crime Stoppers, Inc.
1110 W. Main St., # 105
Norman, OK 73069